Sunday, May 22, 2011

Social Media
Social media is a group of website applications that allow people to contact each others to make an interactive communications either positive or negative discussion. For example, Facebook and Twitter are exhibit examples for the social media; likewise, Messenger and Skype are famous programs that enable people to talk in both ways: video and audio.

Recently, those websites and programs have become well-known for many reasons. Using these applications in marketing of products, exchanging of expressions, experiences and news between populace is the first reason. The education has become more popular via these applications is the second reason. Therefore, the social Medias have turned into a part of people live they cannot quit or ignore it, so the reasons are: popularity, social relationships and the technology. As can be noticed in popularity, people can contact each other with an easy avenue. To illustrate, the students who study abroad utilize Facebook and other websites to exchange the information between them and their families or friends. Moreover, using social media is considered the cheapest communication for the populace. Comparing between using of social media and communications companies, such as T-mobile or AT&N are vast differences in cost of contact. In fact, individuals try to reduce their expenses as much as they can especially for poor and foreign people. To reduce costs, they use these websites or programs. The students, who have scholarships such the Saudis, use it many times. Furthermore, it deems that the fastest means to spread the news for large groups of people in record time. In particular, what happened in Egypt from a revolution was caused by the social media. In this way, social media has become famous and popular. While the popularity is the first reason, the social relationship is the second. Utilizing by these websites and programs significantly increase day by day. A person needs to express his/her opinion, happy, sad and dissatisfaction to other people. The best place today for that is Facebook and Twitter. There are millions of people who write there need help and place their concepts, and the others usually response and give them a sufficient advice. Other people want to vote for general situated, such as choosing a manager for public company; likewise, voting for a new president or the best character in the world, for example, needing enormous people to share this voting since it reveals positive result. The popular and social relationship were the first and second reason, the technology is last reason. In general, laptops and cell phones support humans to use the internet and especially the websites that need technology. The Skype website always offers its devices, which provide the customer with high technology, to contact with others in the cheapest way. In the same way, Facebook provides free service for the customers who have an Iphone device to communicate with others just via the internet. It is easy and cheapest way for the all people. To sum up, people attract to social means because it spreads rapidly between different members of the community. Furthermore, it helps to educated people and makes them happy by the means entertainment that it available there. Technology makes the world as village, so all people can see and talk any time.

1 comment:

  1. Social media as you named it (FB, Twitter and Skype) even more many applications for mobile are very important to communicate with friends and family. Moreover, It's very used for business in meeting and for advertisement, too. In personal experience, I feel that I'm really lucky to use these tools, especially, to communicate with my family and friends back home.
